Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Honest Politicians ?

Today, that is an oxymoron. We all know that, even politicians who mean well, sometimes make promises they can't keep. It is a sad fact of life that, to get elected, they make promises that they just can't deliver on once elected, but we, as Americans expect them to make promises. Bigger, better, or more. We expect our politicians to make our lives better than it was the last election cycle (this time, that won't be hard). But have they been misleading us just to get elected? Whose fault is it that they are forced to make promises that in reality we know can't be fore filled? Why can't politicians just be honest with us?

The following is a fictitious news conference held with both a Democratic and Republican candidate present. Although unreal, it has more honesty in it than I've heard from any candidate so far.


Q: Mr. Republican candidate you have been promising to continue the Bush tax cuts and even expand them to help our economy. How are we going to pay for that?

A: Well, I've thought about it and come to the conclusion that it is actually impossible to do that. As a matter of fact, we are going to have to immediately implement a large tax increase on the wealthiest individuals and largest corporations, and a phased tax increase on rest of the American people.

Q: Why?

A: We, as a nation, are going bankrupt and are spending Billions more each month than we receive in taxes. We just can't afford it now.


Q: Mr. Democratic candidate, you have been promising universal health care for everyone in this country, how are we going to pay for that?

A: Well, while that has been, and will always be, our goal I've thought about it and come to the conclusion that at this time it is impossible to do that. As a matter of fact, we are going to have to begin a phased reduction in the current Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid benifits to our seniors.

Q: Why?

A: We, as a nation, have made promises to our seniors that we just don't have the money to pay for. We just can't afford it now.


Can anyone ever imagine a news conference where the above questions and responses took place? NO...well me neither, but as far from the truth as it may sound, that is actually a news conference that our current candidates should be having.

To understand why follow this link

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